BfArM - Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte

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Anmerkung: Die Arbeitsgruppen des Europäischen Arzneibuchs werden nach Bedarf einberufen und tagen nicht regelmäßig. Deshalb sind die hier aufgeführten Gruppen nicht unbedingt zur Zeit aktiv.

Working Party ALGAllergens
Working Party BACTBacteriophages
Working Party BETBacterial endotoxins test
Working Party BSRBovine serum
Working Party CE CaWorkingpillary Electrophoreseis
Working Party CEL Cellulose ethers
Working Party CNDConductivity
Working Party COLColour, determination
Working Party CRBCarbohydrates
Working Party CRPProduction and compounding of radiopharmaceutical preparations
Working Party CSTChromatographic separation techniques
Working Party CTPCell therapy products
Working Party DIADialysis
Working Party EXPExcipient performance
Working Party EXTExtracts
Working Party GEL Gelatin
Working Party GLSGlass containers
Working Party GTPGene therapy products
Working Party HCPHost cell proteins
Working Party HFA Propellants gases
Working Party HMHeavy metals
Working Party HMMHomoeopathic manufacturing methods
Working Party HOMHomoeopathic raw materials and stocks
Working Party ICPInductively-coupled plasma
Working Party INH Inhalations
Working Party LBPLive biotherapeutic products
Working Party LECLecithins
Working Party MABMonoclonal antibodies
Working Party MGGeneral Methods
Working Party MQH Microbiological Quality of Herbal Drugs
Working Party MSLAlkyl mesilates
Working Party MYCMycoplasmas
Working Party NBCNon-biologicial complexes
Working Party NMRNuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Working Party P4BIOBiologicals
Working Party PAPyrrolizidine Alkaloides
Working Party PaedFPaediatric Formulary
Working Party PATProcess analytical technology
Working Party PHPPharmaceutical preparations
Working Party POWPowder characterisation techniques
Working Party PRPPrecursors for radiopharmaceutical preparations
Working Party PSTPesticides Residues
Working Party RCGRaw materials for the production of cellular and gene transfer products
Working Party ROPRules of procedures
Working Party SDASpectroscopy and Data Analysis
Working Party SITSecond Identification Test
Working Party SRPSpecial revision programme
Working Party STStandard terms
Working Party STAStatistics
Working Party SUTSutures
Working Party TCMTraditional Chinese Medicines
Working Party VITVitamins
Working Party WATWater for pharmaceutical use
Working Party WXTWater for the preparation of herbal extracts