BfArM - Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte

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Publikationen 2001 bis 2004

Abad V, Meyers JL, Weise M, Gafni KI, Barnes KM, Nilsson O, Bacher JD, Baron J

The role the resting zone in growth plate chondrogenesis. Endocrinology 143 (5), 2002, 1851-1857.

Bode G, Olejniczak K

ICH Topic: The draft ICH S7B step 2: Note for Guidance on Safety Pharmacology Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 16 (2), 2002, 105-118.

Brand KM, Klein C, Zündorf I, Dingermann T, Knöss W

Generation and characterisation of monoclonal antibodies to oleanolic acid. Planta medica 70, 2004, 986-992.

Brandt-Mainz K, von Mallek D, Pöttgen C, Eising EG, Bockisch A, Stuschke M, Sack H

Parametric oesophageal multiple swallow scintigraphy for validation of dysphageal symptoms during external beam irradiation of mediastinal tumors. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 28, 2001, 313-319.

Charmandari E, Weise M, Bornstein SR, Eisenhofer G, Keil MF, Chrousos GP, Merke DP

Children with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia have elevated serum leptin concentrations and insulin resistance: potential clinical implications. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87 (5), 2002, 2114-2120.

DeMaster E, Schnitzler N, Cheng Q, Cleary P

M (+) Group A Streptococci are phagocytized and killed in whole blood by C5a-activated polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Infection and Immunity 70 (1), 2002, 350-359.

Deicke A, Lipperheide C, Petran A, Norwig J, Schmidt S

Important aspects of regulatory requirements on primary packaging materials for pharmaceutical use in EU. European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences 9, 2004, 101-112.

Frank KH, Kloevekorn WP, Zündorf J, Kessler M

Oxygen supply (HbO2) in beating hearts of 14 coronary patients obtained by tissue monitoring with optical sensors. Kessler, Müller (Hrsg). Progress in Biomedical Optics: Functional monitoring and Drug-Tissue Interaction. Proceedings of SPIE Volume 4623, 2002, 236-245.

Frank KH, Zündorf J, Tauscheck D, Kessler M

Hypokinesia of myocardium of perfused rat heart at differenz oxygenation of myoglobin and redox state of cytochrome. Kessler, Müller (Hrsg). Progress in Biomedical Optics: Functional monitoring and Drug-Tissue Interaction. Proceedings of SPIE Volume 4623, 2002, 266-273.

Frötschl R, Weickardt S, Staszewski S, Kaufmann G, Buss K, Kasper P

Effects of chlorpromazine with and without UV irradiation on gene expression of HEPG2 cells.
Oral presentation at the 34th annual conference of the European Environmental Mutagen Society, 2004, Maastricht.

Gafni RI, McCarthy EF, Hatcher T, Meyers JL, Inoue N, Reddy C, Weise M, Barnes KM, Abad V, Baron J

Recovery from osteoporosis through skeletal growth: early bone mass acquisition has little effect on adult bone density. FASEB Journal 16 (7), 2002, 736-738.

Gorschlüter M, Hahn C, Fixson A, Mey U, Molitor E, Horré R, Sauerbruch T, Marklein G, Schmidt-Wolf IGH, Glasmacher A

Piperacillin-tazobactam is more effective than ceftriaxone plus gentamicin in febrile neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies: a randomized comparison. Support Care Cancer 11 (6), 2003, 362-370.

Grosse-Lackmann T, Zünkler BJ, Rustenbeck I

Specificity of nonadrenergic imidazoline binding sites in insulin-secreting cells and relation to the block of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Annals of the New York Academy Sciences 1009, 2003, 371-377.

de Hoog GS, Horré R

Molecular taxonomy of the Alternaria and Ulocladium species from humans and their identification in the routine laboratory. Mycoses 45 (8), 2002, 259-276.

Horré R, Schumacher G, Marklein G, Stratmann H, Wardelmann E, Gilges S, de Hoog GS, Schaal KP

Myzetoma due to Pseudallescheria boydii and co-isolation of Nocardia abscessus injured in road accident. Medical Mycology 40, 2002, 525-527.

Horré R, Gilges S, Marklein G, Krömer B, Wardelmann E, de Hoog GS, Wahl G, Schaal KP

Maxillary sinus infection due to Emericella nidulans. Mycoses 45 (9-10), 2002, 402-405.

Horré R, Schumacher G, Alpers K, Seitz HM, Adler S, Lemmer K, de Hoog GS, Schaal KP, Tintelnot K

A case of imported Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection in a German legionnaire. Medical Mycology 40, 2002, 213-216.

Horré R, Schröteler A, Marklein G, Siekmeier R, Sterzik B, Schnitzler N, de Hoog GS, Schaal KP

Langzeitkulturen bei Patienten mit Cystischer Fibrose zum Nachweis der "schwarzen Hefe" Exophiala dermatitidis. Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten. Zeitschrift für Diagnostik und Therapie 29 (8), 2003, 373-379.

Horré R, Jovanic B, Marklein G, Schumacher G, Friedrichs N, Neuhaus T, de Hoog GS, Schaal KP

A case of pulmonal scedosporiosis with fatal outcome. Mycoses 46 (9-10), 2003, 418-421.

Horré R, Sterzik B, Schnitzler N, Siekmeier R, de Hoog GS, Becker WHJ, Choi SM, Ratz H, Tintelnot K, Rainer J

Die Lunge als Eintrittspforte zerebraler Scedosporiosen nach Beinahe-Ertrinken - Auftreten neuer humanpathogener Erreger durch Umweltverschmutzung? Pneumologie 2003, 57: 690-699.

Horré R, Schaal KP, Siekmeier R, Sterzik B, de Hoog GS, Schnitzler N

Isolation of fungi, especially Exophiala dermatitidis, in patients suffering from cystic fibrosis - a prospective study. Respiration 71 (4), 2004, 360-366.

Horré R, Jovanic B, Marklein G, Schumacher G, Zhou H, Heinze I, Rüchel R, de Hoog GS, Schaal KP

Double infection due to Absidia corymbifera and Candida albicans with fatal outcome. Medical Mycology 42, 2004, 373-378.

Kasper P

Application of toxicogenomics in preclinical safety assessment:
(European) regulatory perspective. Lecture at the EuroBiochips Conference, 2004, Hamburg.

Keller K, Knöss W

Warum Phytopharmaka? (Editorial). Bundesgesundheitsblatt 46, 2003, 1035.

Keller K, Knöss W, Schnädelbach D, Reh K

Phytopharmaka: Begriffsbestimmungen und Hintergründe. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 46, 2003, 1036-1039.

Kersten B, Kasper P, Brendler-Schwaab S, Müller L

Effects of visible light absorbing chemicals in the photo-micronucleus test in Chinese hamster V79 cells. Environmental Mutagen Research 23, 2001, 97-102.

Kersten B, Kasper P, Brendler-Schwaab S, Müller L

Use of the photo-micronucleus assay in Chinese hamster V79 cells to study photochemical genotoxicity. Mutation Research 519, 2002, 49-66.

Knöss W, Schnädelbach D, Reh K

Probleme der Qualitätsbeurteilung und rechtliche Aspekte bei pflanzlichen Arzneimittel. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 46, 2003, 1040-1045.

Knura-Deszczka S, Lipperheide C, Petersen B, Jobert JL, Berthelot-Hérault R, Kobisch M, Madec F

Plasma Haptoglobin concentration in swine after challenge with Streptococcus suis. Journal of Veterinary Medicine 49, 2002, 240-244.

Matthies A, Reinhardt M, von Mallek D, Biersack HJ

Radioisotopentherapie von Ergüssen bei Pleural- und Peritonealkarzinose. Der Nuklearmediziner 24 (2), 2001, 81-83.

Müller L, Brendler-Schwaab S, Kasper P, Kersten B

In vitro Methoden zur Prüfung von Arzneimitteln auf phototoxische/photokanzerogene Eigenschaften. ALTEX 18, 2001, 117-121.

Olejniczak K

International Regulations Governing Safety Pharmacology, Impact on Drug Development and Regulatory Dossiers. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 197 (3), 2004: 141.

Olejniczak K

Risikominimierung - Strategien bei der Arzneimittelentwicklung. Reichl, Schwenk (Hrsg). Regulatorische Toxikologie. Springer Verlag, 2004, 340-350.

Olejniczak K, Bode G

ICH Topic: Note for Guidance on Safety Pharmacology Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 16 (2), 2002, 79-81.

Olejniczak K, Spindler P

Environmental Risk Assessment of Medicinal Products for Human Use: Aspects of its Regulations in The European Union, Canada and United States. Kümmerer (Hrsg). Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (2nd Edition). Springer Verlag, 2004, 269-287.

Olejniczak K, Günzel P, Bass R

Preclinical Testing Strategies. Drug Information Journal 35 (2), 2001, 321-336.

Palmedo H, Hensel J, Reinhardt M, von Mallek D, Matthies A, Biersack HJ

Breast cancer imaging with PET and SPECT agents: an in vivo comparison. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 29 (9), 2002, 809-815.

Peltroche-Llacsahuanga H, Schnitzler N, Jentsch S, Platz A, de Hoog S, Schweitzer KG, Haase G

Analysis of phagocytosis, evoked oxidative burst, and killing of black yeasts by human neutrophils: A tool for estimating their pathogenicity? Medical Mycology 41, 2003, 7-14.

Perrone C, Ahr HJ, Duan JD, Jeffrey AM, Schmidt U, Williams GM, Enzmann H

Embryonic turkey liver: activities of biotransformation enzymes and activation of DNA-reactive carcinogens. Archives of Toxicology 78, 2004, 589-598.

Petersen B, Lipperheide C, Knura-Deszczka S, Pönsgen-Schmidt E

Haptoglobin - A screening parameter for encompassing health management of the meat production chain. Fleischwirtschaft International 1, 2001, 12-15.

Purr I, Siekmeier R, Choi SM, Horré R, Schmidt-Grohe S, Marklein G

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bei Patienten mit Cystischer Fibrose (CF): Minimale Hemmkonzentration (MHK) von Tobramycin (TOB) und Colistin (COL). Pneumologie 2004, 58: 809.

Reinhardt MJ, Brink I, von Mallek D, Ezziddin S, Palmedo H, Krause T

Radioiodine therapy in Graves disease based on tissue-absorbed dose calculations: effect of pre-treatment thyroid volume on clinical outcome. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 29 (9), 2002, 1118-1124.

Schlöbe A, Schnitzler N, Schweitzer K, Rohde D

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for the treatment of biomaterial-associated infections in-vitro. Urological Research 30 (06), 2003, 394-398.

Schnitzler N, Horré R, Kothmann S, Sterzik B, Breuer G, Kreutz G

Authorisation of antibacterial medicinal products in the EU: Consequences of the changement of the guidelinge for the assessment of drugs for the treatment of bacterial infections. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 2003, 293 (Suppl. 36): 426.

Schwenk M, Gundert-Remy U, Heinemeyer G, Olejniczak K, Stahlmann R, Kaufmann W, Bolt HM, Greim H, von Keutz E, Gelbke HP

Workshop Report: Children as a Sensitive Subgroup and their Role in Regulatory Toxicology. Archives of Toxicology 77, 2003, 2-6.

Webb S, Ternes T, Gibert M, Olejniczak K

Indirect human exposure to pharmaceuticals via drinking water. Toxicology Letters 142 (3), 2003, 157-167.

Weise M, De-Levi S, Barnes KM, Gafni RI, Abad V, Baron J

Effects of estrogen on growth plate senescence and epiphyseal fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98 (12), 2001, 6871-6876.

Weise M, Merke DP, Pacak K, Walther MM, Eisenhofer G

Utility of plasma free metanephrines for detecting childhood pheochromocytoma. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87 (5), 2002, 1955-1960.

Weise M, Eisenhofer G, Merke DP

Pubertal and gender-related changes in the sympathoadrenal system in healthy children. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 87 (11), 2002, 5038-5043.

Weise M, Flor A, Barnes KM, Cutler GB jr., Baron J

Determinants of growth during GnRH analog therapy for precocious puberty. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89 (1), 2004, 103-107.

Weise M, Mehlinger SL, Drinkard B, Charmandari E, Hiroi M, Eisenhofer G, Yanovski JA, Chrousos GP, Merke DP

Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia have decreased catecholamine reserve and defective glucose elevation in response to high intensity exercise. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89 (2), 2004, 591-597.

Weise M, Drinkard B, Mehlinger SL, Rawson E, Charmandari E, Hiroi M, Eisenhofer E, Chrousos GP, Merke DP

Stress dose of hydrocortisone is not beneficial in patients with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia undergoing short-term high-intensity exercise. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 89 (8), 2004, 3679-3684.

Zhang J, Kersten B, Kasper P, Müller L

Photogenotoxicity and apoptosis in human HaCaT keratinocytes induced by 8-methoxypsoralen and lomefloxacin. Environmental Mutagen Research 23, 2001, 89-96.

Zünkler BJ, Wos-Maganga M

Effects of lomefloxacin and norfloxacin on pancreatic ß-cell ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Life Sciences 73, 2003, 429-435.

Zünkler BJ, Wos-Maganga M, Panten U

Fluorescence microscopy studies with a fluorescent glibenclamide derivative, a high-affinity blocker of pancreatic ß-cell ATP-sensitive K+ currents. Biochemical Pharmacology 67, 2004, 1437-1444.