BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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DQALab 2 Training

On September 18, 2023, the second DQALab training started as part of the GHPP LabTrain project, which is carried out by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and the Institute for Pharmaceutical and Applied Analytics (InphA).

The second DQALab training course kicked off with a hybrid kick-off meeting with project partners from InphA and the WHO. Three trainees from Burundi, Egypt and Ghana were welcomed at the BfArM:

  • Godeberthe Ndihokubwayo, Head of the National Drug Quality Control Laboratory at the National Institute for Public Health, Burundi
  • Nehal Mohamady, Deputy Director of the Accreditation Program Unit at the Egyptian Drug Authority, Egypt
  • Mohammed Awal Alhassan, Senior Regulatory Officer at the Food and Drugs Authority, Ghana

Trainees des DQALab2 Trainings mit GHPP LabTrain Team
Trainees des DQALab2 Trainings mit GHPP LabTrain Team Source: BfArM/LabTrain

The DQALab training is a practical supplement to the virtual DQA (Drug Quality Assurance) training during the COVID-19 pandemic. This training series was developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen the performance of national control laboratories and improve drug quality monitoring according to international standards.

The LabTrain project continues this work and aims, among other things, to train specialist staff from African drug authorities in the field of pharmaceutical analysis and quality assurance.

Further information on the training and content can be found in the DQALab1 report.