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International Classification of Diseases for Oncology

For the encoding of neoplasms in cancer Germany uses the German-language edition of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, third edition (ICD-O-3), first published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2000. It replaced the second edition of ICD-O. DIMDI has translated ICD-O-3 into German and published as "Internationale Klassifikation der Krankheiten für die Onkologie (ICD-O-3)". Since 2019 the German-language version of ICD-O 3rd Edition, 2nd Revison of WHO is used, ICD-O-3 Zweite Revision 2019.

Code search ICD-O-3 Online

The ICD-O-3 online version is compiled from single files which are inter-linked extensively to ensure comfortable navigation. The integrated code-search enables fast location of the code you are looking for. The ICD-O-3 online version is only available in German language.

Code search ICD-O-3 online


You can access the classifications in various formats in german language only.

Download conditions (PDF, 219 kB) (in German language)

Downloads (German language)

Official tumour classification for cancer registries

German cancer registries have used ICD-O since the publication of the Cancer Registry Law (KRG) in 1994 and the subsequent state cancer registry laws. The German version of the ICD-O-3 does not differ from the English original. It replaces the previous version used in German tumour and cancer registries, a German expansion of ICD-O-2, the Tumour Histology Code (THS) and the Tumour Localisation Code (TLS). Many of the amendments from the THS have been integrated into the ICD-O-3.

Association of Population-based Cancer Registries in Germany (GEKID)

Kooperationsverbund Qualitätssicherung durch Klinische Krebsregister (KoQK)

German Centre for Cancer Registry Data in Robert-Koch-Institut

Structure of ICD-O-3

ICD-O-3 is a dual classification. It contains both a topographical code and a histological code for each neoplasm. The topographical describes the site of the neoplasm; in general, it uses the same three- or four-character codes as used in ICD-10 for malignant neoplasms. This results in a greater accuracy in the encoding of the topography of benign tumours than achieved in ICD-10. The morphological code describes the cell type of the neoplasm and its biological behaviour. It thus characterises the neoplasm itself.

  • Introduction
    It contains introductory texts on the history of ICD-O-3, on the differences between ICD-O and ICD-10 and on the structure of ICD-O-3.
  • Instructions for use
    It contains encoding guidelines for topography and morphology together with the most important rules for the use of ICD-O-3 as well as comments and encoding examples.
  • Topography - Numerical list ("Systematik Topographie")
    The topographical section has been adapted from the section on malignant neoplasms in Chapter II of ICD-10. These topographical terms have been assigned four-character code numbers that run from C00.0 to C80.9. A decimal point (.) separates the subcategories from the three-character categories. There have been no changes in the topographical part from ICD-O-2.
  • Morphology - Numerical list ("Systematik Morphologie")
    Morphology codes are five-character codes ranging from 8000/0 to 9989/3. The first four digits indicate the histological term. The fifth digit, separated by a forward slash (/), represents the behaviour code. This describes whether a tumour is malignant or benign, whether it is a carcinoma in situ or a neoplasm of uncertain malignancy.
    In sixth place, a separate one-digit code is designated for histological grading or differentiation. For lymphoma and forms of leukaemia, this part of the code is used for the immunological characterisation (T-, B-, Null-, and NK-cell).
  • Alphabetical Index ("Alphabetisches Verzeichnis")
    The alphabetical index is used to encode the site (topography) as well as the histology (morphology). In addition, it contains nonneoplastic tumour-like lesions and precancerous conditions. Topographical codes are indicated by the letter C which is also the first digit in the code numbers of Chapter II of ICD-10. The prefix M is used to identify the morphological codes. The terms are listed under both the noun and the adjective. For example, basophil adenocarcinoma is listed under B for "basophil" and under A for "adenocarcinoma, basophil".
  • Differences in morphology codes between the Second and the Third Edition ("Anhang")
    The appendix includes a list of tumour terms now considered malignant, a list of all new morphology code numbers and a list of all terms and synonyms added to existing codes.

ICD-O-3 - Version history

This overview shows the periods of validity and areas of application for different versions of ICD-O. ICD-O in German Language is a direct translation of the English version.

Period of validityICD-O in German languageScope of applicationcorresponds to the English version:
since 01.01.2020ICD-O-3 Zweite Revision 2019Cancer RegistriesICD-O,
Third Edition, Second Revision
WHO 2019
03.04.2014 - 31.12.2019ICD-O-3 Erste Revision 2014Cancer RegistriesICD-O,
Third Edition, First Revision
WHO 2013
01.01.2013 -
ICD-O-3 Vorabversion 2013 (preliminary version)Cancer RegistriesICD-O,
Third Edition, First Revision
WHO 2013
Aug. 2003 - 31.01.2013
ICD-O-3 Dritte Revision, 1. Auflage August 2003Cancer Registries; since 2009 on the basis of  Bundes­krebs­register­daten­gesetz (BKRG) in  the "Zentrum für Krebs­register­daten" at Robert-Koch-InstitutICD-O,
Third Edition,
WHO 2000
up to Aug. 2003ICD-O-2since 1994 in Cancer Registries on the basis of Krebsregistergesetzes (KRG) and its extrapolation in the Landes­krebs­register­gesetzeICD-O,
Second Edition
WHO 1990

Further information

ICD-O-3 at WHO

Versions and formats