BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the database.

How can I create a database in Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL or MSSQL?

Following the links below you will find scripts on how to create an Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL or MSSQL database (e.g. for dictionary, certificate).

Iris Version 6 - (tested with "Iris version 6.0.17"):

Oracle settings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "Oracle Database 21c Express Edition Release - Production")
PostgreSQL settings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "PostgreSQL 11.20")
MySQL settings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "MySQL 5.7.43 Community" and "MySQL 8.0.43 Community")
MSSQL seetings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "MSSQL Server 2022 (16.0)" and "MSSQL Server 2019 (15.0)")

Iris Version 5:

Oracle settings (ZIP, 2 kB)
PostgreSQL settings (ZIP, 2 kB)

Iris Version 4:

Oracle settings (ZIP, 2 kB)
MSSQL settings (ZIP, 131 kB)

How can I merge two lots in Microsoft Access?

You will find a short description at the file below.

Merging Lot MS Access (PDF, 332 kB)

Why are there two TimeIntervals tables?

The Iris Institute provides two different tables for the time intervals ("TimeIntervals" and "TimeIntervals_Ref").

"TimeIntervals_Ref" is using the round bracket "()" as delimiter and the "TimeInterval" table is using the paragraph "§" as delimiter for the time interval. So it depends on what you would like to use as delimiter. The round bracket is set as default. You can select the paragraph as delimiter in the options window (Tools >> Options >> User). Please tick the checkbox "use '§' as delimiter for intervals".

Is there any option to specify the port as a configuration or parameter for MySQL?

Yes, it's possible: [servername]; Port=[port number]

In the following example the default is 3306, but it can be any arbitrary port number.
Example: Click the "Tools" tab and select "Options". A new window should appear. Click the "Certificate database" tab or "Table database".

Select the checkbox "MySQL ADO.NET". Into the field "Server" type 'localhost;Port=3306'. Into the field "Database" type 'iris'.

What table access rights does a user of Iris need (SQL Server 2008)?

The user needs permission for all the lot tables (all tables suffixed by 'Ident' or 'MedCod'):

Ident tables:SELECT, UPDATE (there is no creation or deletion of records in Ident table)
MedCod tables:SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and CREATE (causes of death can be deleted and / or created during the coding process).

What do I need to do if I change the Microsoft Access version?

If you use Microsoft Access 2007 or higher, then you have to change the provider string in the "Options" (Click the tab "Tools" and select "Options").

For example if you want to change the standard settings from Microsoft Office Version 2003 to Version 2010, you have to change the provider from 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' to 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'.

When you use the link below, you will find the connection strings for each Microsoft Office version. You will find the link below as well at your Options tool for Tables database and Certificate database.

Connection Strings Reference

Where do I find the most recent description of the tables?

As Iris is developing rapidly, you should consult the table definition in the Access databases supplied by Iris. The Iris Reference Guide is updated with every new version of Iris.

Is there a warning when two users access the same certificate database?

Yes, Iris detects access conflicts and warns the coder if the record has been changed by another user. This should be avoided because it can result in data loss. The same warning occurs when using Iris on a write-protected database.

What kind of authentication does Iris implement when connecting to a database?

We use Windows or user authentication. Iris doesn't manage application roles at the moment. This is something that could be implemented later if there is a strong need.