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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Iris.

General information on Iris

Are there any licences for the use of the Iris software?

The download and the use of the Iris software is free, there are no licences. Except: You have to accept the download condition at the time of the download.

What do the name Iris and the logo stand for?

In ancient Greek mythology, Iris is the goddess of the rainbow and the gods’ messenger. The rainbow is the bridge that Iris travels when carrying messages from the gods to humans. It is also her duty to fetch water from Styx, the river that separates the realm of the living from the realm of the dead, whenever the gods take a solemn oath. Any god that tries to cheat will fall asleep when drinking the water, and stay asleep for a year.

We chose the name of Iris for our software because of the associations with message-bearing and bridging. The aim was to develop a common mortality coding system that could be used for coding death certificates in any language. In that sense it constitutes a bridge between the language, which is local, and the ICD mortality coding instructions, which are international. The association with the river Styx is a further bonus - and it is also the name of a previous coding software developed in France, which has now been replaced by Iris.

In the logo the rainbow is indicated by the curved lines. There are 5 lines representing the 5 countries that founded the Iris Institute.

Is Iris available in other languages?

Yes, there are interfaces in: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

Apart from the existing adaptations the Iris interface can be translated in any language.

You can create your own dictionary and standardizations in your language or you ask other countries if there is a dictionary available in your language.

How can I receive information on updates?

You can subscribe to our newsletter to receive all relevant information on Iris, including updates.

Are the settings in the Iris.exe.config file related to the maintenance password?

No, fields like firstTime, EntryLevel, PswEntryOnly, PswCoder, PswHyper, PswAdmin and UserRights in the config file are not related to the maintenance password. They are used for specific adaptations of Iris.

Is it possible to change the maintenance password?

Yes. To change the maintenance password, the user needs the present password (see Iris Reference Guide). If he knows this password, he can change it.

Under which systems can Iris be used?

You can use Iris under these systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • Microsoft .Net Framework (since 4.5.2)
  • Microsoft Access 2003 or later, if no other database manager is available (it is not possible to use "Apache Open Office" database)
  • or a robust relational database server like Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL or MySQL directly
  • or any through OLEDB, parameters described on Connection Strings Reference

Iris is independent of your browser and you can use Iris in a server environment for multiple users.

Is it possible to disable certain parts of the Iris application?

No, that is not possible. All users should use the application in the same way.

Why does the Iris Institute no longer provide tables for MMDS?

The Iris Institute no longer supports Iris versions older than version 5. The updated tables in Iris version 5 can no longer be handled by MMDS.

The structure of the unicausal tables has changed a little bit:

SENMC rule is replaced by IDMC and SENDC rule is replaced by IDDC in Iris version 5. IDMC is a new rule and it cannot be handled by MMDS. We also deleted all obsolete codes in the unicausal tables. Therefore the TABA and TABB would not work in the right way and it is not possible to produce MMDS tables for these technical reasons.

In addition, the ICD-10 updates for 2016 involve some algorithm changes which are implemented in MUSE, but not in MMDS. So the new tables and the new rules for selection of the underlying cause will not be applied in MMDS.

Please find more information about the unicausal rules at the Iris Reference Guide.


How do I set up the path to the "spec" folder for MUSE?

You can change the path were you store the "spec" folder.

Click the tab "Tools" and select "Options". A new window should appear. Click the tab "Coding" and click on "Version". Another new window should appear. Click on "Change Path" and select your "spec" folder.

How do I set the path to MMDS?

First set the location in MMDS.ini. Then start Iris and within the Tools menu choose the Options item. On the Coding tab you can set the locations of the MMDS DATA folder, Micar.exe and Acme.exe.

Does the installation of Iris involve updates to the registry?

No, there is no registry update done by the Iris installation. It just installs files at the specified location and creates shortcuts.

Does Iris accept relative paths?

Yes. The paths are supplied in the Iris.exe.config and can be defined relative to the .exe place.


How can I create a database in Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL or MSSQL?

Following the links below you will find scripts on how to create an Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL or MSSQL database (e.g. for dictionary, certificate).

Iris Version 6 - (tested with "Iris version 6.0.17"):

Oracle settings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "Oracle Database 21c Express Edition Release - Production")
PostgreSQL settings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "PostgreSQL 11.20")
MySQL settings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "MySQL 5.7.43 Community" and "MySQL 8.0.43 Community")
MSSQL seetings (ZIP, 2 kB) - (tested with "MSSQL Server 2022 (16.0)" and "MSSQL Server 2019 (15.0)")

Iris Version 5:

Oracle settings (ZIP, 2 kB)
PostgreSQL settings (ZIP, 2 kB)

Iris Version 4:

Oracle settings (ZIP, 2 kB)
MSSQL settings (ZIP, 131 kB)

How can I merge two lots in Microsoft Access?

You will find a short description at the file below.

Merging Lot MS Access (PDF, 332 kB)

Why are there two TimeIntervals tables?

The Iris Institute provides two different tables for the time intervals ("TimeIntervals" and "TimeIntervals_Ref").

"TimeIntervals_Ref" is using the round bracket "()" as delimiter and the "TimeInterval" table is using the paragraph "§" as delimiter for the time interval. So it depends on what you would like to use as delimiter. The round bracket is set as default. You can select the paragraph as delimiter in the options window (Tools >> Options >> User). Please tick the checkbox "use '§' as delimiter for intervals".

Is there any option to specify the port as a configuration or parameter for MySQL?

Yes, it's possible: [servername]; Port=[port number]

In the following example the default is 3306, but it can be any arbitrary port number.
Example: Click the "Tools" tab and select "Options". A new window should appear. Click the "Certificate database" tab or "Table database".

Select the checkbox "MySQL ADO.NET". Into the field "Server" type 'localhost;Port=3306'. Into the field "Database" type 'iris'.

What table access rights does a user of Iris need (SQL Server 2008)?

The user needs permission for all the lot tables (all tables suffixed by 'Ident' or 'MedCod'):

Ident tables:SELECT, UPDATE (there is no creation or deletion of records in Ident table)
MedCod tables:SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and CREATE (causes of death can be deleted and / or created during the coding process).

What do I need to do if I change the Microsoft Access version?

If you use Microsoft Access 2007 or higher, then you have to change the provider string in the "Options" (Click the tab "Tools" and select "Options").

For example if you want to change the standard settings from Microsoft Office Version 2003 to Version 2010, you have to change the provider from 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' to 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'.

When you use the link below, you will find the connection strings for each Microsoft Office version. You will find the link below as well at your Options tool for Tables database and Certificate database.

Connection Strings Reference

Where do I find the most recent description of the tables?

As Iris is developing rapidly, you should consult the table definition in the Access databases supplied by Iris. The Iris Reference Guide is updated with every new version of Iris.

Is there a warning when two users access the same certificate database?

Yes, Iris detects access conflicts and warns the coder if the record has been changed by another user. This should be avoided because it can result in data loss. The same warning occurs when using Iris on a write-protected database.

What kind of authentication does Iris implement when connecting to a database?

We use Windows or user authentication. Iris doesn't manage application roles at the moment. This is something that could be implemented later if there is a strong need.

Batch processing and interactive coding

Is it possible to run the batch processing process in a separate program?

No, it is not possible to run Iris on other programs. There is no specific program to process batch coding. However, Iris can be launched two times on the same machine: One, for instance, can process a lot in batch, while the other can be used to process another lot in interactive mode. Note that the two lots must be different, otherwise access conflicts may occur. This way the coders do not lose time for batch processing before they start coding.

Does Iris have parameters that we can supply when calling the .exe file?

Iris cannot be launched by another process and the Iris executable file doesn't accept parameters. All parameters needed for a specific implementation are defined in Iris using the options item within the Tools menu.

What can I do if the "Explain window" is empty?

Please check the "Disable logging" settings option. Click the tab "Tools" and select "Options". A new window should appear. Then click the tab "General". The checkbox "Disable logging" should not be ticked.

How many codes can MUSE handle in one line?

MUSE can handle a maximum of 12 codes in one line. Ideally, the death certificate contains only one term in each line. Usually, not more than 12 codes are needed.

What can I do if the diagnosis text is rejected by Iris?

There are five options to solve this situation:

  1. If the diagnosis text was written correctly, you can add this diagnosis text to your dictionary. For this you can use the dictionary tool, but the text should be added by a supervisor or another person who has the rights to add entries to the dictionary.
  2. You could change the diagnosis text at the Iris interface, if it was a misspelling or a synonym is available in the dictionary. Please note that in some countries it is not allowed to change the diagnoses text. So at first please check your legal situation.
  3. You could add the code manually behind the diagnosis text to the field "ICD-10 codes". For this, please click first on the tick box, then you can add the code.
  4. If the diagnosis text was not spelled correctly and this occurs frequently, you can add this diagnosis text to your standardization table. For this you can use the standardization tool, but it should be added by a supervisor or another person who has the rights to add entries to the standardization table. Be careful: adding entries to the standardization tool might have impact on other terms spelled almost like the text you would like to change. Make sure to test your change before using it in routine settings.
  5. You could also use the "Multiple codes browser" to add the correct codes for the diagnosis text. Click on the MC button and add the correct codes. This tool should be used only by experience users.

Support model

How can I get an application for an Iris support model?

Please send an email to the Iris Institute. We will send you an application.

If you filled in the application send it back to the Iris Institute, via email will be fine. Then we will send an invoice.

How can I find some information about the support model at the Iris website?

Please follow this link:

Support model

What kind of support does the Iris Institute provide concerning the support model?

You will receive support by e-mail for advice and support concerning the application, and installation of the most recent version of the Iris software.

Additionally, there are some more benefits for support model 2 users.

If my institution sign up for a support model is it possible to reduce the overhead for an Iris training?

Yes, with support model 1 the overhead will be reduced to 400 € and with support model 2 the overhead will be reduced to 0 €.

What is the period of support for the support model?

The support model period is for one calendar year (January to December).

Does the contract renew automatically?

Yes, the contract is renewed automatically if you do not terminate it or it is not terminated by the Iris Institute before June 30th of the previous year.

Does the support model continue when we go to Iris version 6 (for ICD-11)?

Yes, the contract is renewed automatically if you do not terminate it or it is not terminated by the Iris Institute before June 30th of the previous year.

How long will the support for Iris version 5 (for ICD-10) continue?

After the release of the first version of Iris version 6 (for ICD-11) for production of underlying cause of death statistics, the support will continue for two more years.


E-mail: Iris Institute