BfArM - Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices

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Biographical Sketch

PD Dr. rer. nat. Norbert Benda

SINCE 01.02.2010 Head of Biostatistics and Special Pharamcokinetics Unit
BfArM (Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices), Bonn, Germany
Managing Biostatistics and Special Pharamcokinetics Unit, biostatistical assessment of European and national drug applications, biostatistical support in scientific advices, biostatistical input to guidelines, EMA Scientific Advice Working Party alternate member, EMA Biostatistics Working Party member
11/2006 – 01/2010 Expert Statistical Methodologist
Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Development and application of novel statistical methodologies, methodological support for Trial and Program Statisticians, clinical scenario evaluations, internal training courses in statistics
07/1997 – 10/2006 Statistician
Schering AG, Berlin, Germany (now Bayer Pharma AG)
Statistical design and analysis of clinical studies, statistical consultant for preclinical and clinical development, project statistician for international drug development projects
10/1993 – 07/1997 Research Assistant
University of Tübingen, Department of Medical Biometry, Tübingen, Germany
Statistical consultant in statistics for medical PhD students and researchers, lectures in medical statistics, design and evaluation of medical studies, research projects in ophthalmology
04/1989 – 09/1993 Research Assistant
Free University of Berlin, Institute of Mathematics, Berlin, Germany
Research in mathematical statistics (experimental design), lectures in statistics
1984 – 1988 University tutor in mathematics and statistics
Technical University of Aachen (RWTH Aachen), Aachen, Germany
12/1992 Awarded Doctorate in Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Thesis in Mathematical Statistics (Optimal Design)
10/1988 Awarded Diploma in Mathematics
Technical University Aachen, Germany (RWTH Aachen)
10/1982 – 10/1988 Study in Mathematics
Technical University Aachen, Germany (RWTH Aachen)