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Update of Direct Healthcare Professional Communication (DHPC) on Peritrast 180/31%, Peritrast Infusio 31 % (retro) and Peritrast 300/60% solutions for injection: Risk due to visible particles

Active substance: amidotrizoic acid

2024-08-15: Update of Direct Healthcare Professional Communication (DHPC) on Peritrast 180/31%, Peritrast Infusio 31 % (retro) and Peritrast 300/60% solutions for injection: Risk due to visible particles

The company Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH additionally informs that the solution should either be drawn up using a particle filter with a pore size of 5 µm or alternatively can be applied using an infusion system with an integrated 15 µm particle filter. When using the particle filter, too rapid drawing up must be avoided, as this favors the formation of air bubbles.

Direct Healthcare Professional Communication (DHPC) on Peritrast 180/31%, Peritrast Infusio 31 % (retro) and Peritrast 300/60% solutions for injection: Risk due to visible particles

The company Dr. Franz Köhler Chemie GmbH informs that during the ongoing stability program visible particles have been found in the medicinal products Peritrast 180/31%, Peritrast Infusio 31% (retro) and Peritrast 300/60%. Investigations have shown that these particles can form during shelf life. Healthcare professionals are therefore requested to filter the solution through a particle filter with a pore size ≤ 5 µm before use.

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